Stress Management

Take Charge of Your Day and Deal With Stress

What Is Stress?

Any change in your life, positive or negative, produces stress — and not all stress is a bad thing! So how do we get from having a perfectly natural reaction in response to an event to the debilitating pressure that stress can put on you?

Quite simply, it's a matter of how we, our mind and body, react to the stress — how we view it and how we respond to it. When stress starts to overwhelm you, it's important to deal with it in an effective manner.
Mental stress

Everyone's Stress Is Different

Work with the counselors at Anastasi Counseling Services to identify sources of stress and the effects of stress in your life. From there, we can start to develop highly individualized strategies for dealing with it.
Physical tension

Knowing Stress

  • Mental or physical tension
  • Pressure or urgency
  • Force exerted
  • Reaction to force exerted
Exercise with friends

Effectively Dealing With Stress by Making Time For

  • Exercise, sleep, and nutrition
  • Hobbies, friends, and family
  • Reading, learning, and “sharpening the saw”
  • Meditation, prayer, and community service
  • Changing response behaviors
Call us
to talk to our certified counselors about stress management.
"Your words and choices made a life-changing impact on me. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You helped me remove a big boulder out of my way in my life."

- Anonymous
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